Pyaterochka Index

X5 Group, Russia’s leading food retail company, publishes quarterly information on changes in the price of a hypothetical (minimum) grocery basket and calculates its so-called Pyaterochka Index, which compares the average cost of a basket at Pyaterochka stores to the cost of a hypothetical (minimum) grocery basket as calculated by Russia’s Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). To simplify matters, the Rosstat indicator is treated as 100%, and the Pyaterochka Index is shown as a percentage in relation to the Rosstat score.

The Pyaterochka Index uses prices at Pyaterochka stores to estimate monthly retail price dynamics. The methodology used for the Pyaterochka Index has been verified by Rosstat.

The Pyaterochka Index presents objective information about changes in retail prices for a wide audience of market experts, government officials, civic organisations, consumers and the media. The published price information enables families, when planning their grocery budgets, to take into account the baseline price for a hypothetical (minimum) grocery basket at stores operated by one of Russia’s largest nationwide retail chains.

The calculations are based on retail prices at Pyaterochka’s 16 thousand stores, which account for about 82% of X5 Group’s turnover.

Using information on prices at Pyaterochka retail stores, X5 Group generates data on the cost of a hypothetical (minimum) basket of 33 grocery items, determined in accordance with Appendix 3 to Rosstat Order No. 733 of 30 December 2014. It publishes the following metrics:

  • The cost of the grocery basket at average Pyaterochka prices: an indicator that reflects the weighted average prices for the 33 items included in the hypothetical (minimum) grocery basket.
  • The cost of the grocery basket at the lowest Pyaterochka prices: an indicator that takes into account the lowest prices for the purchase of the hypothetical (minimum) grocery basket at Pyaterochka retail stores.
  • The Pyaterochka Index, which compares the average cost of a basket at Pyaterochka stores to the cost of a hypothetical (minimum) grocery basket as calculated by Rosstat. To simplify matters, the Rosstat indicator is treated as 100%, and the Pyaterochka Index is shown as a percentage in relation to the Rosstat score.

Rosstat’s official price statistics are available here.