25 May 2021

X5 publishes Sustainability Report in accordance with GRI standards

Amsterdam, 25 May 2021 – X5 Retail Group N.V. ("X5" or the "Company"), a leading Russian food retailer (LSE and MOEX ticker: "FIVE"), today announces the release of its inaugural Sustainability Report prepared in accordance with GRI Standards and independently assured. The X5 Sustainability Report 2020 outlines the Company’s commitment to responsible environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices, and highlights its comprehensive sustainability initiatives that are being implemented across its operations, as well as actions taken by the Company to support communities in Russia in response to COVID-19.

Publication of a Sustainability Report in accordance with GRI Standards and with independent assurance reflects X5’s ongoing efforts to further improve the quality of disclosures for our stakeholders, embed sustainability principles within our Company and demonstrate our commitment to transparency and corporate social responsibility.

Igor Shekhterman, CEO of X5 Retail Group, said: 

"During an extraordinary year that was dominated by the effects of the global pandemic, sustainable and responsible business practices became even more important. We are committed to delivering value to all stakeholders by improving environmental sustainability, investing in employees, supporting our communities and ensuring effective governance. Our inaugural Sustainability report captures our progress to date against the medium- and long-term goals set out in X5’s sustainability strategy. In 2020, X5 managed to improve its ESG metrics in all key areas including GHG emissions intensity, sales of healthy lifestyle products and number of people that received direct support from X5. I am confident that we will meet our targets for 2023 and 2030 and be a leading contributor to sustainable development and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals."

Sustainability Report (PDF. 0.2 MB)