Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

All X5 operations are governed by the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, an internal document that outlines  the principles that underpin our business. The document guides the Company’s employees in making sound and well-informed decisions with respect to ethical issues arising as part of their work at X5.

The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics covers topics such as responsibility to the public sector and wider society, protection of the Company’s interests, and compliance with HR and business ethics. It also outlines the procedure for reporting breaches of the Code.

The document is binding for all X5 employees.

Policy on Human Rights Protection

X5’s Policy on Human Rights Protectionoutlines key principles and rules designed to ensure the respect of fundamental human rights and freedoms at all stages of the Company’s activities:

  • recognition of a human being’s dignity, and freedom and equality of all people
  • no discrimination and forced labour
  • no abuse
  • respect for cultural diversity
  • the rights to freedom of assembly and association
  • occupational health and safety

Clauses of the Policy are complementary to the applicable provisions of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.